Abstract submissions are now closed. Thank you!
Authors may submit one single-authored and up to three joint-authored talk proposals.
Submissions are accepted both for oral presentations and poster presentations.
Each oral presentation will be assigned 20 minutes and an additional 10 minutes for questions to the presenter.
Two abstracts should be submitted via the form on this page: one containing the author’s/authors’ name/s and university affiliation, the second entirely anonymous.
Abstract requirements:
- YLMP2021 template is obligatory (download below)
- file format: .doc, .docx or .odt
- font: Times New Roman size 12
- line spacing for abstract body: 1
- all paragraphs need to be left- and right-justified
- word count: 300-350 excluding the title, author and references
- sources need to be properly acknowledged using the APA citation style
Please make sure that your abstract complies with the requirements. If it does not, it will not be accepted for review.