Rethinking language and identity in the multilingual world
23-25 April 2021
Full conference programme now available
NEW! YLMP mentoring sessions
An opportunity to discuss your research project with one of our invited scholars – more info.
Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań (YLMP) is a congress organized by and for young linguists who appreciate the significance of interdisciplinary research and therefore want to go beyond the traditional branches of linguistics. We believe that the connection between linguistics and other fields of study, such as psychology or sociology, is both crucial and pervasive. Our goal is to present the advantages of an integrated approach and emphasize its importance for contemporary linguistic research.
The leitmotif of the upcoming conference is “Rethinking language and identity in the multilingual world”.
We encourage graduate and post-graduate students, as well as PhD holders up to five years after their thesis defense, to submit papers to the conference. All other researchers are more than welcome to attend the event without a paper of their own and contribute to the discussions.
Each oral presentation will be assigned 20 minutes and an additional 10 minutes for questions to the presenter.
Prof. Robert Lew Gentle introduction to R for language analysis
Dr. Julien Perrez Introduction to Corpus Linguistics: Theoretical and methodological basics
Prof. Helen Sauntson Language and sexuality in schools: A practice-oriented workshop
Dr. Cassandra Smith-Christmas The negotiated nature of language and identity
Invited Thematic Sessions
Multilingualism Matters, organized by Bilingualism Matters @Poznań, convened by Prof. Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk and Prof. Magdalena Wrembel (Bilingualism Matters @Poznań; Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań) Special guest: Prof. Raphael Berthele (University of Fribourg)
The psychology of translation and interpreting, convened by Dr. Katharina Oster (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz), Dr. Paweł Korpal (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań) and Dr. Olha Lehka-Paul (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Gender(ed) identities: Diversity and attitudes, convened by Tomasz Dyrmo, Jagoda Nosal, Patrycja Kakuba, Mikołaj Buczak, and Prof. Agnieszka Kiełkiewicz-Janowiak (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
YLMP Special Event
Why Place Matters: In- and Exclusion of Language Minoritized Students During COVID-19, by Dr. Maria Coady (University of Florida)
YLMP 2021 Best Presentation Award

YLMP 2021 Best Presentation Award is sponsored by Cambridge University Press